Friday 20 August 2010

Part 1

(The scene starts in an empty school walking through the halls and the character of Sharon Watts does a voice over.)

Dear Diary. The school is whacky after the summer break. As always the first day back brought many suprises and challenges for the staff. That new head teacher is a bit alright though. Phwoar!! Yes please. I wonder if he is single? No no no shut up Sharon it is unprofessional to date the boss. Oh what the hell it's my diary it's not as if he will ever see this is it?
Anyway let me tell you about the first day of term.

(At this point Sharon continues to talk in a voice over but it also shows characters and takes more of a script form)

My day started off badly when my toaster broke (we see the toaster won't switch on and Sharon hit it in her anger) I had no breakfast so had to grab something on the way which typically made me late. Not the best way to show the new head that i am committed to my job.

I got to the door of my classroom and nearly shit myself there he was in MY chair, the new headteacher i was sure i was in for it now.

Charlie Mason: Hello, Miss Watts i persume?
Sharon: Urmm

I totally froze he was fit and he was in MY room, of all the teachers there he was in the room i teach i couldn't believe it.

Charlie Mason: Well?
Sharon: Yes, yes Miss Watts *holds out hand for a hand shake* Pleasure to meet you
Charlie Mason: *Shakes hand* Mr Mason the pleasure is all mine *winks*
Jake: Kiss, kiss kiss

(the rest of the class join in with Jake's chants)

That's Jake Jackson, bit of a cheeky boy but this took the biscuit, to insinuate me and Mr Mason had sexual tension between us when we only just met is insane.

Charlie Mason: Now now settle down
(the chants continue)
Charlie Mason: OI
(the class goes silent)

Charlie Mason: Looks like you have your work cut out for you Miss Watts
Sharon: Nothing i can't handle head master
Charlie Mason: Should you need my assistance Miss Watts i shall be in my office

(Charlie Mason leaves the room)

Jake: Get in there Miss
Sharon: Oh beahve
Jake: Come on miss he just offered his ASSistance

(the class laugh at Jake)

Sharon: Would you like to go and repeat that to Mr Mason Jake?
Jake: No Miss
Sharon: In which case continue writing about the best holiday you have ever had

The drama didn't stop with Jake Jackson either 5th period i had the sixth formers headed up with Dennis Rickman and his little group of friends. I knew Dennis was alot worse than Jake.

Dennis took a disliking to me on my first day and almost got me the sack for something i didn't do. It has been getting to the point where i dread my lessons with the sixth form students. However the beginning of the lesson appeared that i was wrong about him maybe the summer holiday changed him? WRONG!!

I got yet another visit from Mr Mason seems Dennis wanted to try his luck at getting me sacked now the school has a new head master. Luckily Mason knew exactly what he was up to and told me he would be keeping an eye on him.

And that was my day. I've just finished marking the essays that Jake's class wrote about their holidays. Jake might be a cheeky little sod but he is good at English.

Part 2

(Chantel is walking down the corridoor and we see Dennis Rickman is heading towards her)

Dennis: Alright Miss?

(Chantel doesn't reply and just puts her head down and keeps walking)

Dennis: Bit rude don't you think?
Chantel: Shut up Dennis

(At this point Chantel begins to cry and hearing the commotion in the halls Sharon comes out of her classroom)

Sharon: Beat it
Dennis: I'm only having a laugh
Sharon: You can laugh all the way to Mr Mason's office if you don't get out of here
Dennis: You think i'm scared of him?
Sharon: No i don't actually but he has the power to suspend you so i would think very carefully what you do.
Dennis: Oh what ever i'm sick of this dump anyway

(Dennis walks out the door)


(Dennis is unrespondant, at this point Sharon approaches Chantel)

Sharon: That boy is in for it if Mason gets wind of what he is like
Chantel: Hm
Sharon: What are you doing back so soon?
Chantel: I was going insane at home and his Lordship is getting on with things so why can't I?
Sharon: Yeah well it's hardly the same he is incapeable of showing his true feelings cos he is heartless. If you need anything come and find me though i think you are mad coming back so soon.
Chantel: Thanks Sharon

(The two head off in different directions and Sharon spots Dennis outside talking to Charles)

Dennis: Done my assignment yet Chuckie?
Charles: NNN...No
Dennis: Why not?
Charles: I told you i won't do it anymore
Dennis: Yeah? And i told you what would happen if you didn't

(At this point we see Sharon heading towards the just as Dennis grabs Charles by the collar of his shirt)

Sharon: DENNIS

(Dennis lets go and turns around)

Dennis: No way! Break don't end for another 2 minutes
Sharon: NOW!
Dennis: I will in 2 minutes
Sharon: Well i gave you the option

(Sharon marches Dennis to Charlie Mason's office and knocks on the door)

Charlie: Come in
Sharon: Mr Mason, Young Dennis here was about to hit Charles Birch
Charlie: Was he indeed? Thank you Miss Watts i can handle this from here
Sharon: Right you are Mr Mason

(Sharon leaves the office)

Charlie: And what has Charles done to you?
Dennis: Nothing
Charlie: I beg your pardon?
Dennis: Nothing sir
Charlie: You was about to hit a younger pupil for nothing?
Dennis: Yes sir
Charlie: What class are you in next?
Dennis: Science
Charlie: Right come with me
Dennis: Where are we going?
Charlie: I think you mean where are we going sir?
Dennis: Yes sir
Charlie: I'm taking you to Science
Dennis: Is that it?
Charlie: Not exactly
Dennis: What does that mean?
Charlie: What does that mean sir
Dennis: Get stuffed i ain't respecting you if you won't tell me what you are going to do to me
Charlie: Well well you are making this hole you got yourself in deeper aren't you Mr Rickman
Dennis: I've had enough of this crap

(They both stop at a classroom and Charlie Mason knocks on the closed door before entering)

Charlie: Mr Harvey, Dennis was in my office, got in a spot of trouble at break
George: Thank you Mr Mason
Charlie: Well go on in then lad

(Dennis goes and takes a seat)

Charlie: I will be back in a 5 Mr Harvey

(We see George teaching his Science class until Charlie comes back with another student)

Charlie: Mr Rickman stand up please

(Dennis stands)

Dennis: Yes sir
Charlie: This here is Jamie, he is a new student joining your class
Dennis: And?
Charlie: And you will be looking after him Mr Rickman
Dennis: NO WAY!!
Charlie: Well lad you can either help Jamie or you can be suspended, your choice
Dennis: Fine i'll take him
Charlie: Thank you Mr Rickman. Now Jamie go and take a seat next to Dennis he will catch you up on what the class is learning

(Jamie takes a seat next to Dennis and Dennis gives him an angry look)

Part 3

(The Science class ends and the class leave for next lesson)

Dennis: Yo Jamie
Jamie: Yeah
Dennis: Oh you're a yank no wonder Mason wants me to babysit you
Jamie: How do you mean?
Dennis: Two yanks in an English school they have to look after eachother right?
Jamie: Actually he wants you to "babysit" me because he's my dad
Dennis: No way man for real?
Jamie: Yeah but look you won't tell no one yet will ya? The reason dad didn't want to say when he introduced me to the class is because we have been in the situation before and i got ripped to shreds over it and the bully boys found out where we lived and did a whole lot of stuff to our house
Dennis: For real? Is that why you moved to England?
Jamie: Well not mum

(at this point someone calls Dennis and both boys stop and turn around and we see it's Jayden)

Dennis: Yo Jayden what up me dude? and where was you last lesson?
Jayden: Bunked off of course.Heard you got in trouble with Mason before
Dennis: Nothing i can't handle
Jayden: And who is this?
Dennis: Ah this is Jamie he just transferred here from America
Jayden: And he is with you because?
Dennis: Either i look after him or get suspended but he actually isn't a bad kid infact we was talking just now isn't that right Jamie?
Jamie: Yeah
Jayden: Well don't let me interupt you ladies i've got an assignment to hand in to Miss Watts laters
Jamie: Who is he?
Dennis: That's Jayden Jackson my best friend he is sound listen kid if you want to hang around with me and Jayden you have to pass some tests
Jamie: Tests? what kind of tests?
Dennis: Yeah see that geeky kid over there *points to Charles*
Jamie: Yeah?
Dennis: That's Chuckie
Jamie: Chuckie?
Dennis: Yeah his real name is Charles Birch but everyone calls him Chuckie
Jamie: What about him?
Dennis: Our friend Chuckie is the reason i got in trouble with your dad so he needs to be taught a lesson
Jamie: A lesson?
Dennis: You ask alot of questions don't ya kid
Jamie: I don't understand?
Dennis: He was helping me with my work
Jamie: Like a tutor?
Dennis: Urm yeah you could say that
Jamie: Right?
Dennis: But the little geek now refuses to help me so he needs to be taught that ya don't mess with me
Jamie: You want me to hit him?
Dennis: Now you are getting it, you up for it?
Jamie: Yeah
Dennis: Good lad, now you was telling me why you moved here
Jamie: My mum slept with my uncle
Dennis: Get out! Dude you gotta tell me more

(The two lads walk off talking)

Part 4

(It's lunch break and Jamie is hanging around with Dennis and Jayden out of school having bunked the last lesson)

Dennis: So Jamie what does it feel like bunking lessons? Bet you never done that before right?
Jamie: Never. My dad would kill me
Jayden: What he don't know won't hurt will it
Dennis: Jamie we gotta tell him
Jamie: No you know what happened before
Jayden: Tell me what?
Dennis: Come on you are hanging out with us and if you crush Chuckie later you will be one of us so just tell him
Jayden: Tell me what?
Jamie: Urmmm
Jayden: Tell me what?
Dennis: Dude would you shut the hell up. Come on J i swear Jayden won't say nothing
Jamie: Jayden you swear this goes no further?
Jayden: Urm depends what it is
Jamie: See Dennis he might tell people
Dennis: Jamie remember you said the bully boys found out and tortured you right?
Jamie: Well yeah
Dennis: Me and Jayden are the bully boys here we won't hurt you and anyone who tries it we will deal with it ok?
Jamie: Really? I never had popular kids stick up for me before
Dennis: Good thing you moved here then
Jayden: Will someone just tell me what the hell it is i am missing?
Jamie: I can't Dennis you do it
Dennis: Jamie is Mason's kid
Jayden: Get out!
Jamie: I'm beginning to think that is the in phrase around here
Jayden: I won't say nothing but D is right if anyone messes with you they will answer to us
Jamie: If you protect me then you have to protect my sister too, she isn't so good at knowing when to shut up

(back at school as Jamie says that line we see Brooke telling everyone who will listen about her being Charlie's daughter)

Dennis: You got a sister?
Jamie: Yeah Brooke though she is angry with me right now
Dennis: What for?
Jamie: When my mum slept with my uncle....
Jayden: Geeez is there anything else you two clowns haven't told me
Jamie: When my mum slept with my uncle my dad recieved a letter a month after he found out offering him a job here which obviously he accepted. I wanted nothing to do with my mum or my uncle and nor did Brooke but she is only 14 so she couldn't stay alone, if i hadn't decided to come here with Dad Brooke would have stayed at her private school so she blames me of course
Dennis: Dude how messed up is your family
Jamie: I know tell me about it
Jayden: But if Brooke was in private school why wasn't you?
Jamie: I didn't want to Brooke was bullied in primary shcool and she wanted to go to a private school instead, dad agreed but by then she was 9 and I was 13 I had my own friends and i was happy where as Brooke wasn't
Dennis: So that's why you are a bit funny about beating up Chuckie
Jamie: Well yeah but i don't agree with him stopping your tutoring sessions

(Jayden looks at Dennis and laughs while shaking his head)

Part 5

(Chantel is crying in the toilets and we see Rianna walk in and when she hears the sobs of Chantel we see a concearned look on her face)

Rianna: Hello

(No reply)

Rianna: Look i know you're in there i can hear you crying

(Still no answer)

Rianna: Ok i'll go and get Mr Mason

(The sound of the door opening sparks a response from Chantel)

Chantel: No
Rianna: Miss?

(The lock clunks open on the cubical door and Chantel comes out with puffy eyes and her mascara running down her face)

Rianna: You alright Miss?

(Chantel continues to cry and shakes her head Rianna walks towards Chantel and gives her a hug and the two sit on the toilet floor)

Rianna: What is wrong?
Chantel: I don't want to talk about it
Rianna: Ok but if you do just say we are all here for you miss and if you can't talk to me at least talk to Miss Watts i always go to her if i have a problem, sometimes its just because she listens, never judges me...not like everyone else and other times she gives me advice, she is lovely so at least talk to her she won't judge you.
Chantel: Thanks Rianna but i think we should get back people will wonder where we are
Rianna: Yeah

(The two leave and Chantel gives Rianna a smile to say thank you)

Part 6

dennis is on the phone, we only hear his side of the conversation

dennis: and we're gunna get him soo good man
dennis: don't worry about that you just make the call
dennis: no he doesn't know about it and I'd like it to stay that way, ya hear me?
Dennis: what about him?
Dennis: like I care
dennis: you know it man!
Dennis: maybe miss watts can take care of that side of things
dennis: you know maybe she has the hots for me
dennis: I'm a good looking guy you know, why wouldn't she?
Dennis: no way on this earth that is sick, you're a sick bastard!
Dennis: yeah no worries man catch you later, don't forget make the call, later bro.

Part 7

dennis and jamie are at the park sitting on a wall that is covered in graffiti art

dennis: so jamie, you ever had a girlfriend?
Jamie: urm...kinda
dennis: kinda?
Jamie: had the schoolboy crush deal going on in 2nd grade
dennis: don't we all?
Jamie: sure
dennis: nothing serious?
Jamie: there was this one girl
dennis: oh yeah?
Jamie: Jordan Reynolds *sniggers* I thought she was the one
dennis: so what happened?
Jamie: we got engaged and everything
dennis: see this is what I don't get about kids in americia, what is the big rush to settle down so seriously like that? Dude your 18 you have the rest of your life for families
jamie: I don't know, just love I guess
dennis: so what the proposal freaked her out?
Jamie: no no we were engaged for a year before it ended
dennis: so why did it end?
Jamie: she started sleeping with her biology teacher
dennis: maybe he was teaching her chemistry to *laughs* get it?
Jamie: it was horrible
dennis: I can imagine, hey you wanna grab some chips?
Jamie: sure

the boys head off