Friday 20 August 2010

Part 24

Dennis is at home and puts on his Xbox, he sees Aimee has added him and accepts her as his xbox live friend. He plugs in his head set and the scene cuts to Aimee's house where she is also on her xbox and a party chat invite pops up on her screen from Dennis, she accepts and plugs in her head set.

Dennis: Alright Aim?

Aimee: Yeah not bad you?

Dennis: Yeah good fancy a game of fifa?

Aimee: Sure which one?

Dennis: fifa 10

Aimee: Ace i rock at that one, i rarely play fifa 09

Dennis: Same

They both pop in their copies of fifa 10

Dennis: Ready to get thrashed?

Aimee: You can try Rickman

The two laugh and pick their teams Aimee chooses Liverpool and Dennis chooses Arsenal

Dennis: Aimz, i have a question

Aimee: Ok shoot

Dennis: How can i? You have the ball

Aimee: No, i meant the question

We see at this point that the score is 4-2 to Liverpool

Dennis: Oh right yeah *embarassment laugh*

Aimee: *laugh*

Dennis: Do you go out with me sometime?

At the exact same time that Dennis asks the question Aimee scores again


Dennis: Was that a yes or are you just excited you scored again?

Aimee: Urm both, it's a yes and i am very happy i am beating you

They both laugh

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