Friday 20 August 2010

Part 4

(It's lunch break and Jamie is hanging around with Dennis and Jayden out of school having bunked the last lesson)

Dennis: So Jamie what does it feel like bunking lessons? Bet you never done that before right?
Jamie: Never. My dad would kill me
Jayden: What he don't know won't hurt will it
Dennis: Jamie we gotta tell him
Jamie: No you know what happened before
Jayden: Tell me what?
Dennis: Come on you are hanging out with us and if you crush Chuckie later you will be one of us so just tell him
Jayden: Tell me what?
Jamie: Urmmm
Jayden: Tell me what?
Dennis: Dude would you shut the hell up. Come on J i swear Jayden won't say nothing
Jamie: Jayden you swear this goes no further?
Jayden: Urm depends what it is
Jamie: See Dennis he might tell people
Dennis: Jamie remember you said the bully boys found out and tortured you right?
Jamie: Well yeah
Dennis: Me and Jayden are the bully boys here we won't hurt you and anyone who tries it we will deal with it ok?
Jamie: Really? I never had popular kids stick up for me before
Dennis: Good thing you moved here then
Jayden: Will someone just tell me what the hell it is i am missing?
Jamie: I can't Dennis you do it
Dennis: Jamie is Mason's kid
Jayden: Get out!
Jamie: I'm beginning to think that is the in phrase around here
Jayden: I won't say nothing but D is right if anyone messes with you they will answer to us
Jamie: If you protect me then you have to protect my sister too, she isn't so good at knowing when to shut up

(back at school as Jamie says that line we see Brooke telling everyone who will listen about her being Charlie's daughter)

Dennis: You got a sister?
Jamie: Yeah Brooke though she is angry with me right now
Dennis: What for?
Jamie: When my mum slept with my uncle....
Jayden: Geeez is there anything else you two clowns haven't told me
Jamie: When my mum slept with my uncle my dad recieved a letter a month after he found out offering him a job here which obviously he accepted. I wanted nothing to do with my mum or my uncle and nor did Brooke but she is only 14 so she couldn't stay alone, if i hadn't decided to come here with Dad Brooke would have stayed at her private school so she blames me of course
Dennis: Dude how messed up is your family
Jamie: I know tell me about it
Jayden: But if Brooke was in private school why wasn't you?
Jamie: I didn't want to Brooke was bullied in primary shcool and she wanted to go to a private school instead, dad agreed but by then she was 9 and I was 13 I had my own friends and i was happy where as Brooke wasn't
Dennis: So that's why you are a bit funny about beating up Chuckie
Jamie: Well yeah but i don't agree with him stopping your tutoring sessions

(Jayden looks at Dennis and laughs while shaking his head)

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