Friday 20 August 2010

Part 9

Dennis and Jayden have met in a back ally in town

Dennis: Jayden, we have trouble
Jayden: What?
Dennis: My mum heard the phone call, and she has seen stuff on the computer, she knows we have something going down with Jamie
Jayden: Does she know what?
Dennis: no NO!
Jayden: So what is the problem? We can still do this
Dennis: She gave me that bull about how she trusts me to do the right thing
Jayden: This is right, he has to know, he just has to
Dennis: I know man, god damn it why do parents screw things up
Jayden: It is what they are put on this earth to do, only thing they are good for if you ask me, but the question is do we break the rules or not?

Will they go ahead with their plans for Jamie? Find out soon

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