Friday 20 August 2010

Part 12

Dennis is sat in the local cafe with Jamie

Dennis: How you been?
Jamie: Fine, my dad is being an idiot though
Dennis: Oh yea how come

Just as Jamie is about to respond Dennis looks at his watch and moves his legs up and down with frustration

Jamie: Brooke is the golden child right now because she didn't want to come here and is kicking up the biggest fuss ever
Dennis: Oh right
Jamie: I mean come on, i have supported dad through this move, the thing with my mum and my uncle, everything and he acts like i do not even exist
Dennis: *grunts*
Jamie: D? Are you ok? You seem...distracted


Dennis: Huh? what? sorry man i guess i have stuff on my mind right now
Jamie: Talk to me
Dennis: Nah, us english lads don't really like to talk about our problems, we leave that to the women

We see Jayden outside from a distance he gives Dennis a nod and the scene cuts to Jayden talking to an unknown person in a hoody

Jayden: Right he knows we are here, so now we just wait for our cue
Unknown person: *nods*

scene cuts back to Dennis and Jamie

Dennis: Jamie, I got you here for a reason
Jamie: *looks concearned* Okay
Dennis: We did some reasearch....
Jamie: We?
Dennis: Me and Jayden
Jamie: I see....well what are you on about

Dennis gives Jayden a quick nod and we see him walking over, we still can't see who he is with, he walks in quietly

Dennis: We found someone for you

Dennis nods in the direction of Jayden and the unknown person, the unknown person pulls down their hood to reveal a girl standing there and the scene shows Jamie's face with a shocked expression on it then cuts back to the girl and by her side is a young boy

Girl: Hello Jamie

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