Friday 20 August 2010

Part 14

(Back in the room where Jordan and Tommy are) Tommy is watching his dvds on their portable dvd player and he is laughing at them, Jordan looks over at him and smiles. And the flash backs continue

Flashback three: Jordan replies to Dennis' email

"Hello there Deniboy18
Thank you for taking the time to respond to my search for Jamie, I am indeed intrested in finding him, I do hope it is the correct one, England seems a bit far for him to have moved to
Look foward to your response
All the best

Flashback four: Dennis has responded again

Please call me Dennis, I am pretty sure it is the correct one, he moved here from New York with his father and sister Brooke when his dad got a teaching job here.
If this is the guy you seek i can pay for you to travel over and stay in a hotel for as long as you need.

Flash back five: Jordan sends another message

"Sounds like him alright, he did have a sister called Brooke, spoke about her but i only met her once as she was at boarding school.
Thank you for the kind offer, but i can not accept that, and even if i could things are not that simple, I have a 4 year old little boy.

Back in the room

Jordan: Ok little man bed, you can still watch your dvds but i'm turning the light out and you are laying down trying to sleep
Tommy: Ok night moma

Flashback 6: Dennis has sent another answer

"Don't be daft, you can accept it, and besides i love kids, i had a little brother who i loved alot, but he died. Is the boy Jamie's?"

Jordan responds

"Honestly Dennis i really couldn't tell you, I slept with so many men at the time my Tommy was concieved I have no idea, which is why i NEED to find Jamie. Sorry to hear about your brother"

Dennis responds again

"That is fine, it was a few years ago now, infact same year as when you had your son. Tommy is such a cute name, I hope you accept my offer and bring him over would love to meet the little guy."

Jordan replies

"I hope you do not take this the wrong way but you are who you say you are, aren't you? Not some weirdo who wants my kid?"

Dennis replies

"No offence taken, below is a picture of myself, and no i do not want Tommy, i responded before you even said you had him...

Jordan replies

"Nice picture here is mine.

I will take you up on the offer, it is the only one i have and i do desperately need to find Jamie."

Dennis replies

"Great I will sort you out a flight and book it, i will mail you the details as soon as i get something, i will also book you into a hotel just around the corner from me, my friend Jayden will meet you at the airport, leave Jamie to me"

Jordan replies

"Thank you, for everything"

Two days later Jordan recieves a reply from Dennis

i have booked you a flight for Monday 5th April 2010 at 10am your time to arrive here at 9pm our time, i have not booked a return as you do not know how long you need.

As for hotels i know someone who works there, i have a room booked for a week at the travel lodge, i spoke to the guy i know who works there and he can up your stay and put it on the tab i have set up for you which i will pay when you leave. If i do not hear from you before i look foward to seeing you on the 5th

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