Friday 20 August 2010

Part 7

dennis and jamie are at the park sitting on a wall that is covered in graffiti art

dennis: so jamie, you ever had a girlfriend?
Jamie: urm...kinda
dennis: kinda?
Jamie: had the schoolboy crush deal going on in 2nd grade
dennis: don't we all?
Jamie: sure
dennis: nothing serious?
Jamie: there was this one girl
dennis: oh yeah?
Jamie: Jordan Reynolds *sniggers* I thought she was the one
dennis: so what happened?
Jamie: we got engaged and everything
dennis: see this is what I don't get about kids in americia, what is the big rush to settle down so seriously like that? Dude your 18 you have the rest of your life for families
jamie: I don't know, just love I guess
dennis: so what the proposal freaked her out?
Jamie: no no we were engaged for a year before it ended
dennis: so why did it end?
Jamie: she started sleeping with her biology teacher
dennis: maybe he was teaching her chemistry to *laughs* get it?
Jamie: it was horrible
dennis: I can imagine, hey you wanna grab some chips?
Jamie: sure

the boys head off

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