Friday 20 August 2010

Part 27

Aimee and Dennis arrive at the beach, Dennis gets out a box from his boot

Aimee: What you got there?
Dennis: Well you want to eat right?
Aimee: You're full of suprises you
Dennis: Well i'd like to take the credit but alot of it i brought from Sainsbury's, already made up
Aimee: That doesn't matter, point is you thought of everything
Dennis: Why bother doing something if you only put half your heart into it?
Aimee: Come here

Aimee grabs him and pulls him backwards into a kiss while she is ontop of him

Dennis: You're not what i expected either
Aimee: Let me guess, you thought i was quiet and scared of people, deffinately not someone to just kiss you like that right?
Dennis: Well yeah
Aimee: Well you wouldn't be totally wrong, guess i have my dad to thank for both my lack of confidence at times and at others my hard front
Dennis: Your dad?
Aimee: Yeah, he was on drugs, probably still is but it started when i was 10, first it was just staying out all night, which worried my mum, i would wake up and hear her downstairs trying to ring him, sometimes crying, other times just angry

Dennis takes Aimee's hand and she smiles at him

Aimee: Then he got worse, he hit my mum, threw things at her, but worst of all he raped her, made my older brother Darren watch him do it. Darren left after that, he asked mum to leave him but she wouldn't so he went to live with my aunt Trish. Then dad started on me, it was at that point i realised that it wasn't just mum he was hitting, it was Darren too, he left me alone till Darren left, guess i was all he had left then. 2 and a half years she let it all go on, she left him 3 years ago, he wouldn't leave the house so she packed our things one night when he hadn't come home again, and in the middle of the night we left, went to Trish's place for a while till we got sorted, she wanted Darren back with us but he wasn't interested and in the end me and mum got a house but she found out she was pregnant again as a result of the last time dad raped her, but she found out too late, she couldn't have an abortion so in time she gave birth to my little brother Daniel, it's been tough, she lost alot of confidence because of that man and i have had to grow up alot, for ages she never wanted to touch Daniel, mixture of depression, guilt, memories and he had dad's eyes and mouth, she saw alot of him in Daniel, she just couldn't handle it so i had to do it. Aunt Trish and Darren would have him while i was at school, and i would pick him up straight after, it meant early mornings for me to get him ready and take him round there, mum was never going to do it but then mum got called into school, i was falling behind because all my attention was on Daniel, thats when things changed, she knew she had to sort herself out because even though dad wasn't around anymore he was still making us all suffer in one way or another, including Daniel and he was just a baby, an innocent baby who didn't deserve to lose out because of a man who raped his mum
Dennis: You were all innocent, none of you deserved it
Aimee: That is true but Daniel had no idea what went on, we all did, we were suffering anyway, Daniel was but shouldn't have been, and didn't have to be, so mum got help and i've tried to get her back to how she used to be, she is slowly getting there
Dennis: You have really been through it babe
Aimee: Yeah but i am out the other end now, my grades are stable again, and mum and Daniel are doing good, i miss Darren but i see him when i can, he joined the army almost 2 years ago so i don't see him as much as i would like but i am dead proud of him.

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