Friday 20 August 2010

Part 28

Dennis: So what happened with your mum and Darren?
Aimee: Nothing, they talk but he still has a lot of anger towards her because she let it happen, he won't come home
Dennis: It must have been awful for him
Aimee: Yeah he is very open about it all with me, he still has nightmares sometimes, not as much as he used to when he first moved to Aunt Trish's but one every couple of months but he's been seeing a counsellor about it so he is doing better, thats what made him open about it, he never used to be but Dr Taylor told him he needs to talk about it, especially with family, i was the closest thing after mum so he phoned me up and we talked, and we still talk about it alot now
Dennis: Do you not think talking about it alot may be bad for both you and your brother?
Aimee: I guess it could be in some circumstances but it works well for us i think
Dennis: Do you not just want to forget it?
Aimee: Yeah but it isn't that simple, not a day goes by i don't think about it in some way or another, i expect it is the same for mum and Darren
Dennis: Don't get me wrong babe, im happy you have Darren you can talk to about it and if it works for you both great but it can't be healthy, can it?
Aimee: I don't know, i feel free after our chats, do you think Darren feels the same? I've never really thought about it from a different view point before
Dennis: I don't know honestly, i was just saying that you might want to think about it.
Aimee: Yeah, i will, i'll speak to Darren next time he calls and see how he feels about it
Dennis: Put it out of your mind for now, your old man is evil and you got me now

Dennis moves in closer to Aimee and kisses her and they roll around in the sand kissing , we see a car drive past and a man look out the window at Dennis & Aimee

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