Friday 20 August 2010

Part 16

It's the day after Jordan and Tommy arrived in in Red Field Town and Tommy has just woken up and is excited to be going back to Dennis' place for a boys day with him and Jayden (note that although this has not been seen Jamie was invited to spend the day with them aswell but he wasn't sure if he could)

Tommy: Morning moma
Jordan: Morning little man ready to go down for breakfast?
Tommy: Can't we just go to Dennis'?
Jordan: No buddy we are eating first it's half 7 in the morning the boys won't be up yet
Tommy: Okay let's go

They leave the hotel room and walk off down the corridoor

Jordan: So what ya gunna have TJ?
Tommy: Can i have cap'in crunch?
Jordan: They may not do that here buddy i think it's an American thing
Tommy: Oh okay i don't know then

They get into the resturant and they stand waiting to be seated but Tommy spots Dennis and Jayden

Tommy: Look moma its them, they're here

He runs over to them

Jayden: Well look at that it's TJ
Dennis: TJ?
Jayden: Yeah man Tommy James right little man?
Tommy: You remembered?
Jayden: Course i did
Dennis: Well come on then you two, sit down and eat with us, then you can come back with me and Jayden alright?
Tommy: Sweet

They both sit down with the boys and all 4 of them order a full english breakfast

Jayden: Little man, big appetite eh Tommy?
Jordan: Don't i know it, costs me a fortune he does
Jayden: His lovely though i am so pleased to have met him
Jordan: Your great with him you know
Jayden: Yeah?
Jordan: Yeah he loves you...and Dennis, he is so excited to spend the the day with you
Jayden: Day in the pool you mean
Jordan: Nah he needs some male influence in his life, you two fit that perfectly
Dennis: Well we are male *laughs*
Jayden: What are you going to do today without Tommy?
Jordan: Probs just stay here not like i know anyone except you two and Jamie is it?

Dennis and Jayden look at eachother and smile at eachother

Jordan: I know that look you two are up to something
Dennis: Us?
Jordan: Yes you
Dennis: Don't know what you are on about Jordie

He laughs and gets up and heads away from the table to make a phone call (we only hear is side)

Dennis: Hey i need a favour
Dennis: I've got a friend who is at a loose end today so wondered if you could show them a good time
Dennis: No i don't mean like that it's a she
Dennis: Yep
Dennis: I'm at her hotel having breakfast with her and her kid now, then me and Jayden are taking the kid back to mine for the day, Jordan just has nothing to do and doesn't know anyone so that's where you come in
Dennis: Yep alright cheers
Dennis: Yep see you about 9
Dennis: Yep the hotel on Rawlings Street
Dennis: See you there

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