Friday 20 August 2010

Part 32

Aimee is in her bedroom and phones Rianna

Aimee: Hey Rea its Aim you ok?
Rianna: Yep, but enough about me, how did it go?
Aimee: Great, until i got home and mum gave me a bunch of crap about sex
Rianna: Don't worry Aimz all parents do it
Aimee: No, this is different, dad was spying on me and actually told the daft cow i was having sex with Dennis on the beach
Rianna: Get in there Aimz
Aimee: Oh behave i was doing nothing of the sort
Rianna: *dissapointed voice* oh, so what did happen with you two? i want all the goss
Aimee: We watched the sun set and he packed us this amazing picnic, he had my favourites aswell, chocolate ecclairs, it was really thoughtful, like he had done his homework before hand, i never thought Dennis would be like that
Rianna: Yeah yeah get to the good stuff
Aimee: That was good, there are other things than kissing and shagging a guy you know, it was soooo romantic, and he said he loves me
Rianna: Fast mover isn't he, it was only the first date
Aimee: Well yeah but we have spoke on the phone every day since we had that girly day with Jordan, and if it hasn't been on the phone its been via text or xbox, he is taking me to a party tomorrow night aswell
Rianna: Nice one Aimz, i mean you would have been going with me anyway but no i think it is great he asked you to go with him, so come on what else did you do?
Aimee: Alright alright keep ya knickers on we kissed ok? and i don't mean on the cheek i mean a full on, roll around in the sand type snog, and more than once, it was amazing
Rianna: Is he a good kisser?
Aimee: Well i don't have anything to go on apart from sloppy kisses i get from Daniel, but i would say he is pretty good yeah
Rianna: I am so chuffed for ya
Aimee: I know right, I mean who would have thought i would be kissing Dennis Rickman? Me? Aimee Spencer.....weird
Rianna: Look Aimz i gotta go my dinner just arrived, a nice fat chinese uhhh hmmm text me yeah?
Aimee: Sure speak later, love ya
Rianna: Love ya too, oh and Aimz, you know i am dead pleased for ya
Aimee: Yeah text ya later, bye
Rianna: Bye

They both hang up

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