Friday 20 August 2010

Part 38

Sharon has just got in from a xmas family visit, she sees a pile of post on the floor and scoops it up in her arms. Wading through it she sees most of it is bills but one letter catches her eye, it is handwritten

Sharon: That's weird no one writes to me

She tears it open eagerly and reads

Dearest Sharon
I am sorry to write to you so close to Christmas, but i really do need your help. Your mum has dissapeared off the face of the earth again, for the last 6 months young Kylie has been in my care, she is a wonderful child and a real credit to my sister, if only she would realise that.

That said though I have recieved some bad news of late, your Uncle Eddie has cancer and right now my attention needs to be on him, while i have sole custody of Kylie that simply is not possible.

You are all the child has left, so i am hoping you will take her in. Please phone me as soon as you can, this mess your mother has left us all in needs sorting, ideally before Kylie goes back to school, she will need to come out of her current school and into a new one if you take her in, best to do it now than later.

Look foward to hearing from you
All my love
Aunty Maria

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