Friday 20 August 2010

Part 1

(The scene starts in an empty school walking through the halls and the character of Sharon Watts does a voice over.)

Dear Diary. The school is whacky after the summer break. As always the first day back brought many suprises and challenges for the staff. That new head teacher is a bit alright though. Phwoar!! Yes please. I wonder if he is single? No no no shut up Sharon it is unprofessional to date the boss. Oh what the hell it's my diary it's not as if he will ever see this is it?
Anyway let me tell you about the first day of term.

(At this point Sharon continues to talk in a voice over but it also shows characters and takes more of a script form)

My day started off badly when my toaster broke (we see the toaster won't switch on and Sharon hit it in her anger) I had no breakfast so had to grab something on the way which typically made me late. Not the best way to show the new head that i am committed to my job.

I got to the door of my classroom and nearly shit myself there he was in MY chair, the new headteacher i was sure i was in for it now.

Charlie Mason: Hello, Miss Watts i persume?
Sharon: Urmm

I totally froze he was fit and he was in MY room, of all the teachers there he was in the room i teach i couldn't believe it.

Charlie Mason: Well?
Sharon: Yes, yes Miss Watts *holds out hand for a hand shake* Pleasure to meet you
Charlie Mason: *Shakes hand* Mr Mason the pleasure is all mine *winks*
Jake: Kiss, kiss kiss

(the rest of the class join in with Jake's chants)

That's Jake Jackson, bit of a cheeky boy but this took the biscuit, to insinuate me and Mr Mason had sexual tension between us when we only just met is insane.

Charlie Mason: Now now settle down
(the chants continue)
Charlie Mason: OI
(the class goes silent)

Charlie Mason: Looks like you have your work cut out for you Miss Watts
Sharon: Nothing i can't handle head master
Charlie Mason: Should you need my assistance Miss Watts i shall be in my office

(Charlie Mason leaves the room)

Jake: Get in there Miss
Sharon: Oh beahve
Jake: Come on miss he just offered his ASSistance

(the class laugh at Jake)

Sharon: Would you like to go and repeat that to Mr Mason Jake?
Jake: No Miss
Sharon: In which case continue writing about the best holiday you have ever had

The drama didn't stop with Jake Jackson either 5th period i had the sixth formers headed up with Dennis Rickman and his little group of friends. I knew Dennis was alot worse than Jake.

Dennis took a disliking to me on my first day and almost got me the sack for something i didn't do. It has been getting to the point where i dread my lessons with the sixth form students. However the beginning of the lesson appeared that i was wrong about him maybe the summer holiday changed him? WRONG!!

I got yet another visit from Mr Mason seems Dennis wanted to try his luck at getting me sacked now the school has a new head master. Luckily Mason knew exactly what he was up to and told me he would be keeping an eye on him.

And that was my day. I've just finished marking the essays that Jake's class wrote about their holidays. Jake might be a cheeky little sod but he is good at English.

Part 2

(Chantel is walking down the corridoor and we see Dennis Rickman is heading towards her)

Dennis: Alright Miss?

(Chantel doesn't reply and just puts her head down and keeps walking)

Dennis: Bit rude don't you think?
Chantel: Shut up Dennis

(At this point Chantel begins to cry and hearing the commotion in the halls Sharon comes out of her classroom)

Sharon: Beat it
Dennis: I'm only having a laugh
Sharon: You can laugh all the way to Mr Mason's office if you don't get out of here
Dennis: You think i'm scared of him?
Sharon: No i don't actually but he has the power to suspend you so i would think very carefully what you do.
Dennis: Oh what ever i'm sick of this dump anyway

(Dennis walks out the door)


(Dennis is unrespondant, at this point Sharon approaches Chantel)

Sharon: That boy is in for it if Mason gets wind of what he is like
Chantel: Hm
Sharon: What are you doing back so soon?
Chantel: I was going insane at home and his Lordship is getting on with things so why can't I?
Sharon: Yeah well it's hardly the same he is incapeable of showing his true feelings cos he is heartless. If you need anything come and find me though i think you are mad coming back so soon.
Chantel: Thanks Sharon

(The two head off in different directions and Sharon spots Dennis outside talking to Charles)

Dennis: Done my assignment yet Chuckie?
Charles: NNN...No
Dennis: Why not?
Charles: I told you i won't do it anymore
Dennis: Yeah? And i told you what would happen if you didn't

(At this point we see Sharon heading towards the just as Dennis grabs Charles by the collar of his shirt)

Sharon: DENNIS

(Dennis lets go and turns around)

Dennis: No way! Break don't end for another 2 minutes
Sharon: NOW!
Dennis: I will in 2 minutes
Sharon: Well i gave you the option

(Sharon marches Dennis to Charlie Mason's office and knocks on the door)

Charlie: Come in
Sharon: Mr Mason, Young Dennis here was about to hit Charles Birch
Charlie: Was he indeed? Thank you Miss Watts i can handle this from here
Sharon: Right you are Mr Mason

(Sharon leaves the office)

Charlie: And what has Charles done to you?
Dennis: Nothing
Charlie: I beg your pardon?
Dennis: Nothing sir
Charlie: You was about to hit a younger pupil for nothing?
Dennis: Yes sir
Charlie: What class are you in next?
Dennis: Science
Charlie: Right come with me
Dennis: Where are we going?
Charlie: I think you mean where are we going sir?
Dennis: Yes sir
Charlie: I'm taking you to Science
Dennis: Is that it?
Charlie: Not exactly
Dennis: What does that mean?
Charlie: What does that mean sir
Dennis: Get stuffed i ain't respecting you if you won't tell me what you are going to do to me
Charlie: Well well you are making this hole you got yourself in deeper aren't you Mr Rickman
Dennis: I've had enough of this crap

(They both stop at a classroom and Charlie Mason knocks on the closed door before entering)

Charlie: Mr Harvey, Dennis was in my office, got in a spot of trouble at break
George: Thank you Mr Mason
Charlie: Well go on in then lad

(Dennis goes and takes a seat)

Charlie: I will be back in a 5 Mr Harvey

(We see George teaching his Science class until Charlie comes back with another student)

Charlie: Mr Rickman stand up please

(Dennis stands)

Dennis: Yes sir
Charlie: This here is Jamie, he is a new student joining your class
Dennis: And?
Charlie: And you will be looking after him Mr Rickman
Dennis: NO WAY!!
Charlie: Well lad you can either help Jamie or you can be suspended, your choice
Dennis: Fine i'll take him
Charlie: Thank you Mr Rickman. Now Jamie go and take a seat next to Dennis he will catch you up on what the class is learning

(Jamie takes a seat next to Dennis and Dennis gives him an angry look)

Part 3

(The Science class ends and the class leave for next lesson)

Dennis: Yo Jamie
Jamie: Yeah
Dennis: Oh you're a yank no wonder Mason wants me to babysit you
Jamie: How do you mean?
Dennis: Two yanks in an English school they have to look after eachother right?
Jamie: Actually he wants you to "babysit" me because he's my dad
Dennis: No way man for real?
Jamie: Yeah but look you won't tell no one yet will ya? The reason dad didn't want to say when he introduced me to the class is because we have been in the situation before and i got ripped to shreds over it and the bully boys found out where we lived and did a whole lot of stuff to our house
Dennis: For real? Is that why you moved to England?
Jamie: Well not mum

(at this point someone calls Dennis and both boys stop and turn around and we see it's Jayden)

Dennis: Yo Jayden what up me dude? and where was you last lesson?
Jayden: Bunked off of course.Heard you got in trouble with Mason before
Dennis: Nothing i can't handle
Jayden: And who is this?
Dennis: Ah this is Jamie he just transferred here from America
Jayden: And he is with you because?
Dennis: Either i look after him or get suspended but he actually isn't a bad kid infact we was talking just now isn't that right Jamie?
Jamie: Yeah
Jayden: Well don't let me interupt you ladies i've got an assignment to hand in to Miss Watts laters
Jamie: Who is he?
Dennis: That's Jayden Jackson my best friend he is sound listen kid if you want to hang around with me and Jayden you have to pass some tests
Jamie: Tests? what kind of tests?
Dennis: Yeah see that geeky kid over there *points to Charles*
Jamie: Yeah?
Dennis: That's Chuckie
Jamie: Chuckie?
Dennis: Yeah his real name is Charles Birch but everyone calls him Chuckie
Jamie: What about him?
Dennis: Our friend Chuckie is the reason i got in trouble with your dad so he needs to be taught a lesson
Jamie: A lesson?
Dennis: You ask alot of questions don't ya kid
Jamie: I don't understand?
Dennis: He was helping me with my work
Jamie: Like a tutor?
Dennis: Urm yeah you could say that
Jamie: Right?
Dennis: But the little geek now refuses to help me so he needs to be taught that ya don't mess with me
Jamie: You want me to hit him?
Dennis: Now you are getting it, you up for it?
Jamie: Yeah
Dennis: Good lad, now you was telling me why you moved here
Jamie: My mum slept with my uncle
Dennis: Get out! Dude you gotta tell me more

(The two lads walk off talking)

Part 4

(It's lunch break and Jamie is hanging around with Dennis and Jayden out of school having bunked the last lesson)

Dennis: So Jamie what does it feel like bunking lessons? Bet you never done that before right?
Jamie: Never. My dad would kill me
Jayden: What he don't know won't hurt will it
Dennis: Jamie we gotta tell him
Jamie: No you know what happened before
Jayden: Tell me what?
Dennis: Come on you are hanging out with us and if you crush Chuckie later you will be one of us so just tell him
Jayden: Tell me what?
Jamie: Urmmm
Jayden: Tell me what?
Dennis: Dude would you shut the hell up. Come on J i swear Jayden won't say nothing
Jamie: Jayden you swear this goes no further?
Jayden: Urm depends what it is
Jamie: See Dennis he might tell people
Dennis: Jamie remember you said the bully boys found out and tortured you right?
Jamie: Well yeah
Dennis: Me and Jayden are the bully boys here we won't hurt you and anyone who tries it we will deal with it ok?
Jamie: Really? I never had popular kids stick up for me before
Dennis: Good thing you moved here then
Jayden: Will someone just tell me what the hell it is i am missing?
Jamie: I can't Dennis you do it
Dennis: Jamie is Mason's kid
Jayden: Get out!
Jamie: I'm beginning to think that is the in phrase around here
Jayden: I won't say nothing but D is right if anyone messes with you they will answer to us
Jamie: If you protect me then you have to protect my sister too, she isn't so good at knowing when to shut up

(back at school as Jamie says that line we see Brooke telling everyone who will listen about her being Charlie's daughter)

Dennis: You got a sister?
Jamie: Yeah Brooke though she is angry with me right now
Dennis: What for?
Jamie: When my mum slept with my uncle....
Jayden: Geeez is there anything else you two clowns haven't told me
Jamie: When my mum slept with my uncle my dad recieved a letter a month after he found out offering him a job here which obviously he accepted. I wanted nothing to do with my mum or my uncle and nor did Brooke but she is only 14 so she couldn't stay alone, if i hadn't decided to come here with Dad Brooke would have stayed at her private school so she blames me of course
Dennis: Dude how messed up is your family
Jamie: I know tell me about it
Jayden: But if Brooke was in private school why wasn't you?
Jamie: I didn't want to Brooke was bullied in primary shcool and she wanted to go to a private school instead, dad agreed but by then she was 9 and I was 13 I had my own friends and i was happy where as Brooke wasn't
Dennis: So that's why you are a bit funny about beating up Chuckie
Jamie: Well yeah but i don't agree with him stopping your tutoring sessions

(Jayden looks at Dennis and laughs while shaking his head)

Part 5

(Chantel is crying in the toilets and we see Rianna walk in and when she hears the sobs of Chantel we see a concearned look on her face)

Rianna: Hello

(No reply)

Rianna: Look i know you're in there i can hear you crying

(Still no answer)

Rianna: Ok i'll go and get Mr Mason

(The sound of the door opening sparks a response from Chantel)

Chantel: No
Rianna: Miss?

(The lock clunks open on the cubical door and Chantel comes out with puffy eyes and her mascara running down her face)

Rianna: You alright Miss?

(Chantel continues to cry and shakes her head Rianna walks towards Chantel and gives her a hug and the two sit on the toilet floor)

Rianna: What is wrong?
Chantel: I don't want to talk about it
Rianna: Ok but if you do just say we are all here for you miss and if you can't talk to me at least talk to Miss Watts i always go to her if i have a problem, sometimes its just because she listens, never judges me...not like everyone else and other times she gives me advice, she is lovely so at least talk to her she won't judge you.
Chantel: Thanks Rianna but i think we should get back people will wonder where we are
Rianna: Yeah

(The two leave and Chantel gives Rianna a smile to say thank you)

Part 6

dennis is on the phone, we only hear his side of the conversation

dennis: and we're gunna get him soo good man
dennis: don't worry about that you just make the call
dennis: no he doesn't know about it and I'd like it to stay that way, ya hear me?
Dennis: what about him?
Dennis: like I care
dennis: you know it man!
Dennis: maybe miss watts can take care of that side of things
dennis: you know maybe she has the hots for me
dennis: I'm a good looking guy you know, why wouldn't she?
Dennis: no way on this earth that is sick, you're a sick bastard!
Dennis: yeah no worries man catch you later, don't forget make the call, later bro.

Part 7

dennis and jamie are at the park sitting on a wall that is covered in graffiti art

dennis: so jamie, you ever had a girlfriend?
Jamie: urm...kinda
dennis: kinda?
Jamie: had the schoolboy crush deal going on in 2nd grade
dennis: don't we all?
Jamie: sure
dennis: nothing serious?
Jamie: there was this one girl
dennis: oh yeah?
Jamie: Jordan Reynolds *sniggers* I thought she was the one
dennis: so what happened?
Jamie: we got engaged and everything
dennis: see this is what I don't get about kids in americia, what is the big rush to settle down so seriously like that? Dude your 18 you have the rest of your life for families
jamie: I don't know, just love I guess
dennis: so what the proposal freaked her out?
Jamie: no no we were engaged for a year before it ended
dennis: so why did it end?
Jamie: she started sleeping with her biology teacher
dennis: maybe he was teaching her chemistry to *laughs* get it?
Jamie: it was horrible
dennis: I can imagine, hey you wanna grab some chips?
Jamie: sure

the boys head off

Part 8

Dennis is in bed asleep and the camera is zooming out from his face, suddenly Dennis bolts up and we see he is sweating and we realise that what we saw of Dennis and Jamie at the park was a flashback dream he was having. Dennis gets himself up and takes himself to the kitchen where he tries to quietly take out a carton of apple juice. Typically because he is trying to be quiet the shelf in the door where the apple juice was falls out and he drops his cup behind him then appears a woman.

Woman: Dennis what is that noise
Dennis: Mum you frightened the life out of me
Ashleigh: Oh yeah and the noise you are making down here didn't do the same to me huh? Flipping heck Dennis i thought we had burglars
Dennis: Sorry
Ashleigh: What are you doing up anyway?
Dennis: Couldn't sleep
Ashleigh: Doesn't have anything to do with something you are planning to do to a boy named Jamie does it?
Dennis: What? *looks scared*
Ashleigh: I saw his name on your computer, and the phonecall i heard some of that too, I put the two together
Dennis: Oh

At this point we get a flash back of the earlier phone call but this time we hear both sides

dennis: and we're gunna get him soo good man
Jayden: What about paying for all this?
dennis: don't worry about that you just make the call
Jayden: You sure he doesn't know? He gave me a right funny look earlier
dennis: no he doesn't know about it and I'd like it to stay that way, ya hear me?
Jayden: And what about Mason?
Dennis: what about him?
Jayden: If he finds out we are in BIG trouble Dennis
Dennis: like I care
Jayden: Actually I bet you could take him on no problem
dennis: you know it man!
Jayden: What if the kid gets hurt though?
Dennis: maybe miss watts can take care of that side of things
Jayden: She really doesn't like you does she?
dennis: you know maybe she has the hotts for me
Jayden: *laughs* *sarcastic tone*Yeah maybe
dennis: I'm a good looking guy you know, why wouldn't she?
Jayden: Would you shag her?
Dennis: no way on this earth that is sick, you're a sick bastard!
Jayden: I got to go i am off out for a pizza with me dad
Dennis: yeah no worries man catch you later, don't forget make the call, later bro.
Jayden: Sure thing

Now the scene cuts back to Dennis and his mum

Ashleigh: I'm not going to stop you, and i am not going to make you tell me what it is you are planning for this boy either, but i would like you to think long and hard about this, if what you are doing is wrong i suggest you call it off right are my son and you are also an adult now Denny I trust you will do the right thing. Night son
Dennis: Night mum

Part 9

Dennis and Jayden have met in a back ally in town

Dennis: Jayden, we have trouble
Jayden: What?
Dennis: My mum heard the phone call, and she has seen stuff on the computer, she knows we have something going down with Jamie
Jayden: Does she know what?
Dennis: no NO!
Jayden: So what is the problem? We can still do this
Dennis: She gave me that bull about how she trusts me to do the right thing
Jayden: This is right, he has to know, he just has to
Dennis: I know man, god damn it why do parents screw things up
Jayden: It is what they are put on this earth to do, only thing they are good for if you ask me, but the question is do we break the rules or not?

Will they go ahead with their plans for Jamie? Find out soon

Part 10

Dennis and Jayden are still in the back ally

Jayden: So how is this going down man? You with me? or not?
Dennis: We break the rules K?
Jayden: *Nods*
Dennis: You go and get the goods, i will go and get the money and i will call you at 3 make sure things are going as planned ok?
Jayden: Alright man, listen where are you getting the money from?
Dennis: My mum has some put away from emergancies
Jayden: Dude tell me you are not serious? She is already too involved without taking her money too
Dennis: Trust me i can pay this back before she even knows it is gone
Jayden: You better do
Dennis: Trust me
Jayden: 'ite man! 3 o clock

Part 11

(The scene starts looking at Dennis' watch, it's 14:59 he is thinking this is the logest minute ever)


The digital watch changes to 15:00

Dennis: FINALLY!!

He goes through his phone and stops at Jayden's name and presses call

Dennis: Jay it's me
Jayden: Bang on time, what was you watch watching again?
Dennis: Yes, now shut up, tell me is it done? Are we on?
Jayden: The pigeon has landed
Dennis:'s the eagle has landed
Jayden: What ever man

They hang up and Dennis leaves the house

Part 12

Dennis is sat in the local cafe with Jamie

Dennis: How you been?
Jamie: Fine, my dad is being an idiot though
Dennis: Oh yea how come

Just as Jamie is about to respond Dennis looks at his watch and moves his legs up and down with frustration

Jamie: Brooke is the golden child right now because she didn't want to come here and is kicking up the biggest fuss ever
Dennis: Oh right
Jamie: I mean come on, i have supported dad through this move, the thing with my mum and my uncle, everything and he acts like i do not even exist
Dennis: *grunts*
Jamie: D? Are you ok? You seem...distracted


Dennis: Huh? what? sorry man i guess i have stuff on my mind right now
Jamie: Talk to me
Dennis: Nah, us english lads don't really like to talk about our problems, we leave that to the women

We see Jayden outside from a distance he gives Dennis a nod and the scene cuts to Jayden talking to an unknown person in a hoody

Jayden: Right he knows we are here, so now we just wait for our cue
Unknown person: *nods*

scene cuts back to Dennis and Jamie

Dennis: Jamie, I got you here for a reason
Jamie: *looks concearned* Okay
Dennis: We did some reasearch....
Jamie: We?
Dennis: Me and Jayden
Jamie: I see....well what are you on about

Dennis gives Jayden a quick nod and we see him walking over, we still can't see who he is with, he walks in quietly

Dennis: We found someone for you

Dennis nods in the direction of Jayden and the unknown person, the unknown person pulls down their hood to reveal a girl standing there and the scene shows Jamie's face with a shocked expression on it then cuts back to the girl and by her side is a young boy

Girl: Hello Jamie

Part 13

Jordan is sitting on a bed in a hotel room hugging Tommy who is in his jammies and watching tv, Jordan seems distracted from all that is happening in the room around her. She begins to have flashbacks of how she got here.

Flashback one: Jordan is on the computer looking at friends re-united, she types a message on the forum.

"Hi, my name is Jordan Reynolds, I am 18 years old and i had a relationship a few years ago with Jamie Mason. Infact so much of a relationship that we was engaged for a year before i ended it for a high school crush on a teacher. I would like to find Jamie, I know he moved house because he wasn't at his old place when i tried to find him. I am hoping someone on here knows where he is."

Tommy: Are you ok?
Jordan: Sure buddy, it's your bedtime soon little man
Tommy: I don't wanna go
Jordan: You have half an hour, let me put your dvd on and you can go watch it in your bed
Tommy: Okay

Flashback two: Jordan recieves a message from Dennis

"Hi, I think i know the guy you spoke about, he is now living in England, Message me back if you still want to find him"

Part 14

(Back in the room where Jordan and Tommy are) Tommy is watching his dvds on their portable dvd player and he is laughing at them, Jordan looks over at him and smiles. And the flash backs continue

Flashback three: Jordan replies to Dennis' email

"Hello there Deniboy18
Thank you for taking the time to respond to my search for Jamie, I am indeed intrested in finding him, I do hope it is the correct one, England seems a bit far for him to have moved to
Look foward to your response
All the best

Flashback four: Dennis has responded again

Please call me Dennis, I am pretty sure it is the correct one, he moved here from New York with his father and sister Brooke when his dad got a teaching job here.
If this is the guy you seek i can pay for you to travel over and stay in a hotel for as long as you need.

Flash back five: Jordan sends another message

"Sounds like him alright, he did have a sister called Brooke, spoke about her but i only met her once as she was at boarding school.
Thank you for the kind offer, but i can not accept that, and even if i could things are not that simple, I have a 4 year old little boy.

Back in the room

Jordan: Ok little man bed, you can still watch your dvds but i'm turning the light out and you are laying down trying to sleep
Tommy: Ok night moma

Flashback 6: Dennis has sent another answer

"Don't be daft, you can accept it, and besides i love kids, i had a little brother who i loved alot, but he died. Is the boy Jamie's?"

Jordan responds

"Honestly Dennis i really couldn't tell you, I slept with so many men at the time my Tommy was concieved I have no idea, which is why i NEED to find Jamie. Sorry to hear about your brother"

Dennis responds again

"That is fine, it was a few years ago now, infact same year as when you had your son. Tommy is such a cute name, I hope you accept my offer and bring him over would love to meet the little guy."

Jordan replies

"I hope you do not take this the wrong way but you are who you say you are, aren't you? Not some weirdo who wants my kid?"

Dennis replies

"No offence taken, below is a picture of myself, and no i do not want Tommy, i responded before you even said you had him...

Jordan replies

"Nice picture here is mine.

I will take you up on the offer, it is the only one i have and i do desperately need to find Jamie."

Dennis replies

"Great I will sort you out a flight and book it, i will mail you the details as soon as i get something, i will also book you into a hotel just around the corner from me, my friend Jayden will meet you at the airport, leave Jamie to me"

Jordan replies

"Thank you, for everything"

Two days later Jordan recieves a reply from Dennis

i have booked you a flight for Monday 5th April 2010 at 10am your time to arrive here at 9pm our time, i have not booked a return as you do not know how long you need.

As for hotels i know someone who works there, i have a room booked for a week at the travel lodge, i spoke to the guy i know who works there and he can up your stay and put it on the tab i have set up for you which i will pay when you leave. If i do not hear from you before i look foward to seeing you on the 5th

Part 15

Tommy is now asleep and Jordan is sitting with the tv on but her face shows that she is really not paying much attention to it at all

Flash back six: Jordan and Tommy are just getting off the plane, they see a sign with their name on it being held up by Jayden, Jordan takes Tommy's hand

Jordan: This way baby
Tommy: Where are we going moma?
Jordan: Baby, we are in England
Tommy: The one with the big clock?
Jordan: Yeah that's the one
Tommy: But why?
Jordan: You like holidays right buddy?
Tommy: Yeah
Jordan: Well we are here meeting some friends of mommy's
Tommy: What are their names?
Jordan: Jamie, Dennis and Jayden
Tommy: Awesome
Jordan: Dennis has a pool at his house, he made me pack your swimming stuff so you could go and use it
Tommy: I can't wait
Jordan: In which case come with me, we have to meet Jayden
Tommy: Okay

They walk over to Jayden

Jayden: You must be Jordan
Jordan: Yeah
Jayden: And this fine young man *bends down* must be Tommy
Tommy: You know my name?
Jayden: Sure i do little man
Tommy: Hey that's what my moma calls me
Jayden: You don't mind if i call you little man too do you?
Tommy: No i don't mind, most of my friends call me TJ though
Jayden: Is that right? How comes?
Tommy: My name is Tommy James Reynolds
Jayden: Oh so the T and J come from Tommy James
Tommy: That's right
Jayden: Well people call me JJ
Tommy: Jayden...but what is the other J?
Jayden: Jayden Jackson
Tommy: Jayden Jackson what?
Jayden: Nothing, just Jayden Jackson
Tommy: There must be more
Jayden: Why so TJ?
Tommy: Well you must have a last name, like mine is Reynolds
Jayden: I do, it's Jackson, you see little man, not everyone is as lucky as you are to have a middle name
Tommy: They're not?
Jayden: No, so i only have two names
Tommy: Jayden Jackson, right?
Jayden: That's right
Tommy: Can we go now?
Jayden: Sure come on lets go

They all head back and stop in a supermarket carpark and walk over oposite a cafe where we see Dennis and Jamie talking

We see Jayden outside he gives Dennis a nod and we see Jaden talking to Jordan

Jayden: Right he knows we are here, so now we just wait for our cue
Jordan: *nods*
Jayden: Tommy stay close to mummy and when i say go we are all going in that cafe over there to meet Dennis and Jamie
Tommy: Ok, then do i get to play in the pool
Jayden: I am sure he will let you for a while but you will have to go to bed tonight and play in there more tomorrow ok TJ?
Tommy: Okay
Jayden: Good lad

Dennis gives Jayden a quick nod

Jayden: Ok come on

They all enter the cafe

Dennis: We found someone for you

Dennis nods in the direction of Jayden, Jordan and Tommy, Jordan pulls down her hood to reveal herself to Jamie, and we see Jamie look very shocked

Jordan: Hello Jamie

The flashback cuts off and Tommy has woken up

Tommy: Momma i don't want to go to bed yet
Jordan: Come on little man, you know what Jayden said about that pool
Tommy: Oh yeah the pool, ok i will go back to bed

He does and Jordan's phone rings, we only hear her side of it

Jordan: Hi Dennis
Jordan: Oh no it's fine
Jordan: Yeah he was awake just now but gone back to bed because Jayden told him he wouldn't be able to go in the pool if he didn't sleep tonight
Jordan: Oh yeah he had a great time, Jayden is really good with him
Jordan: Don't be daft you are too I was just thinking about all that happened at the airport when it was just us and Jayden, he was good, really connected with Tommy, he needs something like that in his life, shame the same can't be said for Jamie though
Jordan: No no, i understand his reaction, i can't come here like i have done and expect him to welcome us with open arms can i?
Jordan: No i don't regret it, I had to find him, for obvious reasons
Jordan: Don't worry yourself about Jamie i know him, he will sort himself out in time
Jordan: Yeah sure, see you tomorrow yeah?
Jordan: Great, and make sure Jayden is there, Tommy will love that just you 3 boys
Jordan: Yeah bye Dennis

Final flashback

They are still in the cafe

Jamie: What are you doing here?
Jordan: Here to see you
Jamie: Who is he? Your brother?
Jordan: No, my son
Jamie: Might have known Spence would do that to you
Jordan: Actually i
Jamie: How is he anyway? Biology teacher from hell, bet he makes a wonderful dad. What did the school have to say about it? Infact you know what i don't want to know, that slimeball always had ways of getting out of things

Jamie leaves

Cuts back to hotel
Both Jordan and Tommy are now asleep

Part 16

It's the day after Jordan and Tommy arrived in in Red Field Town and Tommy has just woken up and is excited to be going back to Dennis' place for a boys day with him and Jayden (note that although this has not been seen Jamie was invited to spend the day with them aswell but he wasn't sure if he could)

Tommy: Morning moma
Jordan: Morning little man ready to go down for breakfast?
Tommy: Can't we just go to Dennis'?
Jordan: No buddy we are eating first it's half 7 in the morning the boys won't be up yet
Tommy: Okay let's go

They leave the hotel room and walk off down the corridoor

Jordan: So what ya gunna have TJ?
Tommy: Can i have cap'in crunch?
Jordan: They may not do that here buddy i think it's an American thing
Tommy: Oh okay i don't know then

They get into the resturant and they stand waiting to be seated but Tommy spots Dennis and Jayden

Tommy: Look moma its them, they're here

He runs over to them

Jayden: Well look at that it's TJ
Dennis: TJ?
Jayden: Yeah man Tommy James right little man?
Tommy: You remembered?
Jayden: Course i did
Dennis: Well come on then you two, sit down and eat with us, then you can come back with me and Jayden alright?
Tommy: Sweet

They both sit down with the boys and all 4 of them order a full english breakfast

Jayden: Little man, big appetite eh Tommy?
Jordan: Don't i know it, costs me a fortune he does
Jayden: His lovely though i am so pleased to have met him
Jordan: Your great with him you know
Jayden: Yeah?
Jordan: Yeah he loves you...and Dennis, he is so excited to spend the the day with you
Jayden: Day in the pool you mean
Jordan: Nah he needs some male influence in his life, you two fit that perfectly
Dennis: Well we are male *laughs*
Jayden: What are you going to do today without Tommy?
Jordan: Probs just stay here not like i know anyone except you two and Jamie is it?

Dennis and Jayden look at eachother and smile at eachother

Jordan: I know that look you two are up to something
Dennis: Us?
Jordan: Yes you
Dennis: Don't know what you are on about Jordie

He laughs and gets up and heads away from the table to make a phone call (we only hear is side)

Dennis: Hey i need a favour
Dennis: I've got a friend who is at a loose end today so wondered if you could show them a good time
Dennis: No i don't mean like that it's a she
Dennis: Yep
Dennis: I'm at her hotel having breakfast with her and her kid now, then me and Jayden are taking the kid back to mine for the day, Jordan just has nothing to do and doesn't know anyone so that's where you come in
Dennis: Yep alright cheers
Dennis: Yep see you about 9
Dennis: Yep the hotel on Rawlings Street
Dennis: See you there

Part 17

Rianna is in her room making a phone call to best friend Aimee

Rianna: Aimz it's Ree
Aimee: Something up hun?
Rianna: Nope all is good in the hood just wondered if you fancied hanging out with me today
Aimee: Sure what we doing
Rianna: We're doing a favour for Dennis
Aimee: Dennis? Are you sure that's a good idea?
Rianna: Trust me Aimz its a relatively normal request for him and if we do this for him he might ask you out
Aimee: Yeah riiight his last girlfriend was in college he is never going to go for me
Rianna: You are a great catch, and if you do get Dennis you can double date with me and do want to loose your viginity don't you?
Aimee: Well yeah but...
Rianna: But what? He just split up with his college girlfriend, the whole school want him, if you help him out you might get him, it's your last chance, he won't be single for long babe you got to go get him while you can.
Aimee: Ok
Rianna: Thats my girl i'll come meet you at yours at half 8 ok?
Aimee: Okay

Part 18

Aimee just got off the phone with Rianna and opens up a book and starts to write

"Dear Diary
It's started again, Rianna phoned me and practically forced me to do some sort of favour for Dennis, okay he is the yummiest kid in school and i would love him to notice me, but he isn't going too and even if he does i am 15, i'm not like Rianna and the other girls in school, i'm not ready for sex, i have my whole life for that but i know if i don't get with Dennis and have sex with him my friendship with Rianna is as good as over"

The page in Aimee's diary starts to get wet and the camera moves up to show she is crying

Part 19

Rianna has just knocked on a door and Aimee opens it

Rianna: Aimz have you been cying
Aimee: Yeah
Rianna: Oh come here

Rianna grabs Aimee and hugs her

Rianna: What's up
Aimee: Was just watching Horse Whisperer again

(Note that she wasn't but has done in the past and cied where it's such a sad film that she knows Rianna will buy the story)

Rianna: Oh you daft cow come on we gotta go meet Dennis at the hotel on Rawlings Street

The two girls leave the house

Aimee: Speaking of Dennis what is the favour we are doing for him?
Rianna: He didn't really go into much detail but he is planning a boys day with Jayden and some girls kid...

Aimee interupts

Aimee: You mean his girlfriends kid?
Rianna: He never said that so i assume not...anyway so this girl knows no one in town and needs some girls to hang about with today
Aimee: WHAT???
Rianna: What's up i thought you would want to do something for Dennis
Aimee: You know what i'm like with other people
Rianna: Yeah i do, you need more friends though you can't rely on me all the time
Aimee: You're sick of me ain't ya? That's where this girlfriend of Dennis' comes in doesn't it? I become mates with her and you don't have to hang around with me any more because i am boring and let's face it we have nothing in common
Rianna: Ok just take a breath and calm down a sec, do you really think i am bored of you? And who says we have to have things in common? If everyone was the same life would be boing, yes you need more friends but having that does not mean we are not friends anymore okay?
Aimee: But we are so different
Rianna: So? It's never been an issue before and we've been best mates since we were 4, the only person making this an issue is you
Aimee: I suppose
Rianna: Look Aimz i do think you need more friends but that isn't what today is about, you've fancied Dennis for years, this could get you somewhere with him okay?
Aimee: Not if he is dating this slut we're meeting, and what if the boy is Dennis'?
Rianna: Aimee you think too much, just chill out you are worrying about stuff that hasn't happened yet now come on we're gunna be late

The girls run off down the street

Part 20

The girls walk into reception and sit down to wait for Dennis, Rianna starts laughing

Aimee: What's so funny?
Rianna: You!!
Aimee: Me?
Rianna: Yeah, you really are insecure ain't ya?
Aimee: And that's funny because?
Rianna: You think i don't want you Aimz, if i don't laugh i will cry, we have been mates years, if i didn't like you then i would have told you ages ago
Aimee: It's me i don't have confidence in, not you
Rianna: You're a good friend Aimee, the sooner you know that the better
Aimee: I know i am but i mess things up
Rianna: Who doesn't
Aimee: Yeah point taken

The girls hug

Part 21

Dennis, Jayden, Jordan & Tommy walk up to Aimee & Rianna

Dennis: Hey Rianna, hey Aimee, this is Jordan and her son Tommy
Tommy: That's TJ to you Dennis
Dennis: Yeah TJ sorry dude
Jordan: What's going on Dennis?
Dennis: I asked Rianna to spend the day with you
Rianna: Yeah Dennis i though Aimee might want to hang with us too and get to know Jordan, you don't mind do you?
Dennis: No, not at all

Rianna nudges Aimee

Jordan: Oh Dennis i don't know, it's the weekend they have their own lives
Rianna: Don't be daft Jordan we would love to hang out with you, right Aimee?

No reply

Rianna: Aimee?
Aimee: Oh yeah would love to
Tommy: Moma i need the toilet
Jordan: Ok baby come on
Rianna: Wait Jordan i'll come with you, Aimee wait here with Dennis and Jayden

Rianna walks off to the loo with Tommy and Jordan

Dennis: Thanks for this Aimee
Aimee: Oh it's fine anything i can to help

meanwhile in the toliets

Jordan: So what's with your friend?
Rianna: She's nervous around other people
Jordan: So why bring her?
Rianna: She fancies Dennis, i've been trying to get them together for ages but he's always with someone so i figured now he's single she might get somewhere...he is single isn't he? Your not his girlfriend?
Jordan: Oh no just friends
Rianna: Tommy isn't his kid?
Jordan: No, that might be Jamie, but truth is i slept with so many guys when i fell pregnant i've no idea who it is that's why i am here, my son needs his father, if that's Jamie then we all need to know, trouble is Jamie won't speak to me, i cheated on him, we were engaged but i started seeing a teacher i had some school girl crush on, so he hates me, but the guys have been great with Tommy
Rianna: WOW!! Relationships seem so much more complicated in America
Jordan: Tell me about it

Part 22

While the girls were talking in the loo, this was happening with Dennis and Aimee

Aimee: So who is she?
Dennis: Jamie's ex
Aimee: Ohh is Tommy his?
Dennis: It's possible but she doesn't know for sure
Aimee: Oh sounds complicated
Dennis: It is, but let's talk about you...what do you like doing?
Aimee: I like playing games, and listening to music
Dennis: Ohhh cool you mean console games?
Aimee: Yeah
Dennis: What you got?
Aimee: Xbox 360
Dennis: Oh wow my ex girlfriend wouldn't even try it
Aimee: You have one aswell?
Dennis: Doesn't every guy?
Aimee: Probably
Dennis: What games you got?
Aimee: Fifa 10, Tiger Woods golf, need for speed, fifa 09, world cup 2010, GTA IV, tony hawks and toy story 3
Dennis: Nice selection i have most of them, whats your gamertag?
Aimee: BaybeeGirlAimz08
Dennis: Mind if i add you?
Aimee: Course not
Dennis: Cool, maybe i can play you at fifa tonight?
Aimee: Sure, what is your gamertag? So i know it's you
Dennis: SexiiD08
Aimee: Look foward to kicking your butt on fifa then

Part 23

The 2 girls and Tommy come out of the toliets and Rianna says she needs to speak to Dennis, so Jordan says bye to Tommy and heads off with Aimee while Jayden takes Tommy to wait in the car

Rianna: So what do you think of Aimee?
Dennis: She seems really nice, seems we have stuff in common too
Rianna: She really likes you
Dennis: I know i've seen her in school looking at me
Rianna: Would you want her?
Dennis: As in sex? or dating?
Rianna: Well i don't want you to just have sex with her and dump her Dennis, but if you like her too then both
Dennis: Yeah she's a nice girl i would date her
Rianna: Age gap doesn't bother you
Dennis: No though sex would have to wait till she is 16 right?
Rianna: No, she's up for it now, she's a virgin and i know she likes you so who better to lose her viginity to?
Dennis: She doesn't seem the type to just jump into bed with people though and i am not into underage sex with people who do not want to do it
Rianna: I promise you she is ready
Dennis: Ok if you are sure, anyways we better get going don't wanna keep them all waiting

Part 24

Dennis is at home and puts on his Xbox, he sees Aimee has added him and accepts her as his xbox live friend. He plugs in his head set and the scene cuts to Aimee's house where she is also on her xbox and a party chat invite pops up on her screen from Dennis, she accepts and plugs in her head set.

Dennis: Alright Aim?

Aimee: Yeah not bad you?

Dennis: Yeah good fancy a game of fifa?

Aimee: Sure which one?

Dennis: fifa 10

Aimee: Ace i rock at that one, i rarely play fifa 09

Dennis: Same

They both pop in their copies of fifa 10

Dennis: Ready to get thrashed?

Aimee: You can try Rickman

The two laugh and pick their teams Aimee chooses Liverpool and Dennis chooses Arsenal

Dennis: Aimz, i have a question

Aimee: Ok shoot

Dennis: How can i? You have the ball

Aimee: No, i meant the question

We see at this point that the score is 4-2 to Liverpool

Dennis: Oh right yeah *embarassment laugh*

Aimee: *laugh*

Dennis: Do you go out with me sometime?

At the exact same time that Dennis asks the question Aimee scores again


Dennis: Was that a yes or are you just excited you scored again?

Aimee: Urm both, it's a yes and i am very happy i am beating you

They both laugh

Part 25

Aimee's phone rings, we see a picture of Dennis pop up on her screen and she answers it with a smile on her face

Aimee: Hello
Dennis: Hey gorgeous, fancy that date?
Aimee: Why? What you got planned?
Dennis: I was thinking we could head to the beach and watch the sunset, then if things go ok there is a party tomorrow, would be fun if you would come with me what do you say?
Aimee: Sounds perfect, what time?
Dennis: I'll pick you up at about 6 is that ok?
Aimee: Make it 6:15
Dennis: Sweet see you then

They both hang up, Aimee jups up and down with excitement and Dennis does a little dance around his room

Part 26

Dennis pulls up in his car and gets out, he walks to Aimee's door and knocks on it, she answers the door

Dennis: Hey babe, sorry i'm a bit early i can wait if you want
Aimee: No it's fine let me just grab my bag
Dennis: Hold on

Dennis takes Aimee's hand

Dennis: I've got something for you
Aimee: Oh

Dennis gives Aimee a bracelet that matches one that he is wearing

Dennis: Don't ever say i don't give you anything
Aimee: It's awesome thank you
Dennis: No big deal just wanted you to have something to link us together even when we are apart
Aimee: You are nothing like i expected Dennis
Dennis: Oh yeah? And what did you expect?
Aimee: Dunno, you have this front at school, but you're different away from school
Dennis: Well don't go telling anyone will you?
Aimee: Our secret *smiles*
Dennis: Come on then lets go

Aimee grabs her bag and they both head out and get into the car and drive off

Part 27

Aimee and Dennis arrive at the beach, Dennis gets out a box from his boot

Aimee: What you got there?
Dennis: Well you want to eat right?
Aimee: You're full of suprises you
Dennis: Well i'd like to take the credit but alot of it i brought from Sainsbury's, already made up
Aimee: That doesn't matter, point is you thought of everything
Dennis: Why bother doing something if you only put half your heart into it?
Aimee: Come here

Aimee grabs him and pulls him backwards into a kiss while she is ontop of him

Dennis: You're not what i expected either
Aimee: Let me guess, you thought i was quiet and scared of people, deffinately not someone to just kiss you like that right?
Dennis: Well yeah
Aimee: Well you wouldn't be totally wrong, guess i have my dad to thank for both my lack of confidence at times and at others my hard front
Dennis: Your dad?
Aimee: Yeah, he was on drugs, probably still is but it started when i was 10, first it was just staying out all night, which worried my mum, i would wake up and hear her downstairs trying to ring him, sometimes crying, other times just angry

Dennis takes Aimee's hand and she smiles at him

Aimee: Then he got worse, he hit my mum, threw things at her, but worst of all he raped her, made my older brother Darren watch him do it. Darren left after that, he asked mum to leave him but she wouldn't so he went to live with my aunt Trish. Then dad started on me, it was at that point i realised that it wasn't just mum he was hitting, it was Darren too, he left me alone till Darren left, guess i was all he had left then. 2 and a half years she let it all go on, she left him 3 years ago, he wouldn't leave the house so she packed our things one night when he hadn't come home again, and in the middle of the night we left, went to Trish's place for a while till we got sorted, she wanted Darren back with us but he wasn't interested and in the end me and mum got a house but she found out she was pregnant again as a result of the last time dad raped her, but she found out too late, she couldn't have an abortion so in time she gave birth to my little brother Daniel, it's been tough, she lost alot of confidence because of that man and i have had to grow up alot, for ages she never wanted to touch Daniel, mixture of depression, guilt, memories and he had dad's eyes and mouth, she saw alot of him in Daniel, she just couldn't handle it so i had to do it. Aunt Trish and Darren would have him while i was at school, and i would pick him up straight after, it meant early mornings for me to get him ready and take him round there, mum was never going to do it but then mum got called into school, i was falling behind because all my attention was on Daniel, thats when things changed, she knew she had to sort herself out because even though dad wasn't around anymore he was still making us all suffer in one way or another, including Daniel and he was just a baby, an innocent baby who didn't deserve to lose out because of a man who raped his mum
Dennis: You were all innocent, none of you deserved it
Aimee: That is true but Daniel had no idea what went on, we all did, we were suffering anyway, Daniel was but shouldn't have been, and didn't have to be, so mum got help and i've tried to get her back to how she used to be, she is slowly getting there
Dennis: You have really been through it babe
Aimee: Yeah but i am out the other end now, my grades are stable again, and mum and Daniel are doing good, i miss Darren but i see him when i can, he joined the army almost 2 years ago so i don't see him as much as i would like but i am dead proud of him.

Part 28

Dennis: So what happened with your mum and Darren?
Aimee: Nothing, they talk but he still has a lot of anger towards her because she let it happen, he won't come home
Dennis: It must have been awful for him
Aimee: Yeah he is very open about it all with me, he still has nightmares sometimes, not as much as he used to when he first moved to Aunt Trish's but one every couple of months but he's been seeing a counsellor about it so he is doing better, thats what made him open about it, he never used to be but Dr Taylor told him he needs to talk about it, especially with family, i was the closest thing after mum so he phoned me up and we talked, and we still talk about it alot now
Dennis: Do you not think talking about it alot may be bad for both you and your brother?
Aimee: I guess it could be in some circumstances but it works well for us i think
Dennis: Do you not just want to forget it?
Aimee: Yeah but it isn't that simple, not a day goes by i don't think about it in some way or another, i expect it is the same for mum and Darren
Dennis: Don't get me wrong babe, im happy you have Darren you can talk to about it and if it works for you both great but it can't be healthy, can it?
Aimee: I don't know, i feel free after our chats, do you think Darren feels the same? I've never really thought about it from a different view point before
Dennis: I don't know honestly, i was just saying that you might want to think about it.
Aimee: Yeah, i will, i'll speak to Darren next time he calls and see how he feels about it
Dennis: Put it out of your mind for now, your old man is evil and you got me now

Dennis moves in closer to Aimee and kisses her and they roll around in the sand kissing , we see a car drive past and a man look out the window at Dennis & Aimee

Part 29

The car that drove past Dennis and Aimee is now parked across the road from the beach, the man now has sun glasses on and is still watching Dennis and Aimee who are now holding eachother watching the sun set. Dennis kisses Aimee's head. We see the man take a phone out and dial a number but we do not hear what he says, the scene cuts to Dennis and Aimee talking but in the distance we can clearly see the man talking on his mobile.

Aimee: Oh Dennis it's beautiful
Dennis: Yeah it is, but you are more beautiful
Aimee: *Giggles* Oh stop
Dennis: I mean it, tonight has been lovely
Aimee: *Smiles* Yes it has
Dennis: So what do you say about that party tomorrow night?
Aimee: I would love to go, but i don't really drink
Dennis: I won't make you drink, infact we can both have orange juice, what do ya say?
Aimee: Really?
Dennis: I love you Aimee, i wouldn't make you do anything you do not want to do
Aimee: What did you say
Dennis: You heard
Aimee: Yes i did but i want you to say it again, so i know i am not dreaming
Dennis: I love you
Aimee: *smiles* I love you too

They kiss again

Part 30

Its got dark and Dennis is driving Aimee home, they are talking

Dennis: So what did you get up to with Rianna and Jordan then?
Aimee: Oh not much we ended up having a girly day back at Rea's, got some snacks and a film, listened to some music, chatted about blokes and little Tommy, girly stuff
Dennis: Ah yeah little Tommy he is a cracking lad, just wish Jamie would see it that way, i had a real good day with him Jayden and Jake
Aimee: Jake?
Dennis: Yeah Jayden's brother came over aswell, little Tommy played in the pool and he beat me at pool we had a bbq, you know TJ is real smart for a 4 year old boy, he talks more sense than a lot of grownups do, especially the teachers at school, i should try and get the little guy a job

they both laugh

Part 31

Dennis drops Aimee off home and they kiss eachother goodbye before Aimee gets out of the car and putting her key in the door and going inside, her mum walks through the house to where she is standing not looking very happy

Aimee: Mum, you ok?
Aimee: What if i have?
Aimee: OH GO TO HELL!!!!
Lisa: Well no but...
Lisa: No
Lisa: I did not follow you, i have your brother to look after
Lisa: That's not fair i was sick Aimee
Aimee: SEX?

Aimee storms off upstairs to her room

Part 32

Aimee is in her bedroom and phones Rianna

Aimee: Hey Rea its Aim you ok?
Rianna: Yep, but enough about me, how did it go?
Aimee: Great, until i got home and mum gave me a bunch of crap about sex
Rianna: Don't worry Aimz all parents do it
Aimee: No, this is different, dad was spying on me and actually told the daft cow i was having sex with Dennis on the beach
Rianna: Get in there Aimz
Aimee: Oh behave i was doing nothing of the sort
Rianna: *dissapointed voice* oh, so what did happen with you two? i want all the goss
Aimee: We watched the sun set and he packed us this amazing picnic, he had my favourites aswell, chocolate ecclairs, it was really thoughtful, like he had done his homework before hand, i never thought Dennis would be like that
Rianna: Yeah yeah get to the good stuff
Aimee: That was good, there are other things than kissing and shagging a guy you know, it was soooo romantic, and he said he loves me
Rianna: Fast mover isn't he, it was only the first date
Aimee: Well yeah but we have spoke on the phone every day since we had that girly day with Jordan, and if it hasn't been on the phone its been via text or xbox, he is taking me to a party tomorrow night aswell
Rianna: Nice one Aimz, i mean you would have been going with me anyway but no i think it is great he asked you to go with him, so come on what else did you do?
Aimee: Alright alright keep ya knickers on we kissed ok? and i don't mean on the cheek i mean a full on, roll around in the sand type snog, and more than once, it was amazing
Rianna: Is he a good kisser?
Aimee: Well i don't have anything to go on apart from sloppy kisses i get from Daniel, but i would say he is pretty good yeah
Rianna: I am so chuffed for ya
Aimee: I know right, I mean who would have thought i would be kissing Dennis Rickman? Me? Aimee Spencer.....weird
Rianna: Look Aimz i gotta go my dinner just arrived, a nice fat chinese uhhh hmmm text me yeah?
Aimee: Sure speak later, love ya
Rianna: Love ya too, oh and Aimz, you know i am dead pleased for ya
Aimee: Yeah text ya later, bye
Rianna: Bye

They both hang up

Part 33

It's the night of the party, Jayden, Jake, Dennis, Rianna, Aimee, Brooke & Jamie have all met up for a few drinks before the party, true to his word Dennis has been drinking orange juice with Aimee all night. Jake and Jayden have gone to the bar with Rianna leaving the others chatting and laughing with eachother

Jake: Alright babe, having fun?
Rianna: Yeah its been a nice night so far
Jayden: What is with the two orange juices though? That isn't like Dennis, can't speak for Aimee
Rianna: She told him she doesn't drink much so he said he would stick to orange juice aswell....idiot
Jake: It's really romantic actually, i'd do it for you babe
Jayden: That's cos you're an idiot aswell bruv
Jake: Shut up
Jayden: Alright keep ya hair on i didn't mean it

The barmaid comes over and speaks to Rianna

Barmaid: Yes love what can i get ya?
Rianna: 3 fosters, vodka and lemonade, vodka and coke and 2 orange juices *pause* *smile* Actually can you add vodka to the two orange juices

The two boys look at Rianna and smile

Jayden: You're a right trouble maker you aren't ya?
Rianna: I do try
Jayden: Not half

Part 34

----------3 MONTHS LATER----------

Rianna is in her room and the song 'Have i told you lately that i love you' by Rod Stewart is playing. Rianna sits at her desk by a window and we see it is snowing outside, she begins to write

Dear Aimee
It's Christmas eve tomorrow, our happiest day of the year, for as long as i can remember we have spent Christmas eve together, it was your way of getting away from your dad, Christmas always was his worst time of year for drinking.

Remember the year we went to the church down the road from your old house? Neither one of us religious but we thought it would be a laugh, and it was, not that poor old Mrs Wilson would agree with us.

I am sitting here close to tears right now while writting this, because i know this year will be my first Christmas Eve without my best friend, it's been 3 months since you spoke to me, not a day goes past where that doesn't hurt.

I hope you will come and see me tomorrow, just for old time sake, i know in my heart that you won't because now you have Dennis but a girl can dream

Love from

At this point we see Aimee crying and Dennis hugging her

Part 35

Part 35

Rianna is outside Aimee's house, she can see Aimee and Dennis are together through the window, she is watching them have a pillow fight with tears in her eyes, we see she is holding the letter she wrote to Aimee

Aimee: I'm not feeling too well babe can we stop
Dennis: Oh yeah right, your having me on so you can come back in and hit me
Aimee: No really i feel dizzy
Dennis: Shall i get your mum?
Aimee: No, i will be fine just need some water
Dennis: Ok

Dennis gets some water and hands it to Aimee who has a few sips

Dennis: Better?
Aimee: Yeah seems to be easing off a bit
Dennis: Sure?
Aimee: Yeah, look babe i'm gunna go to sleep you can go if you want
Dennis: I will stay till you drop off

Dennis sits on the bed next to Aimee and she snuggles up to him, he strokes her hair and she starts to fall asleep

Part 36

Aimee wakes up and goes downstairs, she opens the letter from Rianna and reads while walking into the kitchen where Lisa is making Daniel's breakfast

Lisa: What's that love?
Aimee: Just some rubbish letter from Rianna
Lisa: You two still not talking?
Aimee: Nope
Lisa: You two are as bad as eachother, was whatever she did really that bad?
Aimee: Urm yes
Lisa: Fine, it's your decision, but 3 months is a long time Aimee, give her a break
Aimee: No you give me a break, you do this like every week, it's my life leave me to do what i want with it

At this point Aimee rubs her head and stumbles a bit

Lisa: Aimee, you ok? *concearned look on her face*
Aimee: I don't know, i feel dizzy again *sits down*
Lisa: Again?
Aimee: Yeah it happened lastnight aswell
Lisa: Why didn't you say something
Aimee: I had some water and i was fine
Lisa: Ok water, let me get you some of that

Lisa runs the tap and fills a glass with water which she hands to Aimee who then drinks the water

Lisa: How's that?
Aimee: Bit better

Aimee gets up and takes a few steps but faints shortly after

Lisa: AIMEEEEEEEEE, Aimee, you ok? Can you hear me?

Lisa grabs her phone and dials 999

Lisa: Ambulance please

Part 37

The has just finished checking Aimee over, Lisa is waiting outside, Aimee is now awake and Rianna is waiting to go in. The doctor speaks to Lisa when he leaves the room

Nikin: You can go in now
Rianna: Can i?
Lisa: Let her first doctor, they have things to sort out
Nikin: Ok go ahead

Rianna walks in and Aimee looks at her

Rianna: Alright Aimz?
Aimee: What you doing here?
Rianna: Your mum phoned me
Aimee: I might have known, always interfearing she is
Rianna: Did you get my letter?
Aimee: Yeah....i burnt it
Rianna: So what? That's it is it? We're done?
Aimee: Yeah pretty much
Rianna: I've said i'm sorry, to both of you, a million times, but it just isn't good enough for you
Aimee: Nope
Rianna: But why Aimz? We're best friends
Aimee: Why? Why? You really want to know why?
Rianna: Well yeah
Aimee: That night.....
Rianna: The party?
Aimee: Yeah, that got me and my boyfriend blinding drunk and made me have sex with him, he is 18, i am 15 for a start thats a criminal offence and he could go to prison
Rianna: I'm sorry Aimz
Aimee: Another thing i wasn't ready for sex, the drink clouded my judgement along with my best friend, or so called best friend anyway
Rianna: We were just having a laugh
Aimee: Yeah and that "laugh" got ME pregnant
Rianna: You what?
Aimee: You heard, i'm 3 months pregnant, found out at the weekend
Rianna: Does Dennis know?
Aimee: Yeah
Rianna: Your mum?
Aimee: What do you think?

Mean while outside

Lisa: Dr, how is she?
Nikin: She's fine, she's just stressed and tired, but don't worry the baby is fine
Lisa: The baby?
Nikin: Yes, she came to me at the weekend feeling sick and i told her she is 3 months pregnant, i'm sorry i thought you knew
Lisa: No i didn't know
Nikin: I'm sorry i feel terrible
Lisa: It's not your fault

The doctor leaves and Lisa looks through the window at Aimee

Part 38

Sharon has just got in from a xmas family visit, she sees a pile of post on the floor and scoops it up in her arms. Wading through it she sees most of it is bills but one letter catches her eye, it is handwritten

Sharon: That's weird no one writes to me

She tears it open eagerly and reads

Dearest Sharon
I am sorry to write to you so close to Christmas, but i really do need your help. Your mum has dissapeared off the face of the earth again, for the last 6 months young Kylie has been in my care, she is a wonderful child and a real credit to my sister, if only she would realise that.

That said though I have recieved some bad news of late, your Uncle Eddie has cancer and right now my attention needs to be on him, while i have sole custody of Kylie that simply is not possible.

You are all the child has left, so i am hoping you will take her in. Please phone me as soon as you can, this mess your mother has left us all in needs sorting, ideally before Kylie goes back to school, she will need to come out of her current school and into a new one if you take her in, best to do it now than later.

Look foward to hearing from you
All my love
Aunty Maria

Part 39

Sharon has rushed to school she enters the building and rumages through the filing cabinets until she finds the document that she is looking for, she then leaves the school, locks it up, gets back in her car and makes a phonecall using a number on the document that she has just picked up (we only hear sharon's side of the phone call)

Sharon: Hi, it's Sharon, can we meet up?
Sharon: Say half hour
Sharon: Great, i'll meet you at the park by the tube station
Sharon: See you then, bye

-----30 Mins later-----

Sharon is sat on a bench in the park, looking at her watch, a pair of feet walk her way and when the mystery person sits down we see that the person she has met is Dennis

Sharon: Thanks for coming
Dennis: Ok, but what's up that we had to met christmas eve?
Sharon: I got this letter *Hands Dennis the letter*

Dennis reads

Dennis: Who is Kylie?
Sharon: My sister
Dennis: Ok hold on let me finish reading

He continues to read

Sharon: Well?
Dennis: You have to take her Miss, you are all she has now, it's written there in black and white
Sharon: I'm not sure i can take care of a child
Dennis: Tell me about it
Sharon: What?
Dennis: I'm going to be a dad, and it's too late to do anything about it
Sharon: Aimee?
Dennis: Yeah, I don't know why i'm telling anyone though, i could go to prison if it gets out, but it wasn't me, it was Rianna, she got us both drunk and convinced us sex was the right thing
Sharon: You know you can get Rianna in trouble for spiking your drink Dennis
Dennis: Then they would know what I did, what we did
Sharon: Don't tell them, does anyone else know?
Dennis: Only me and Aimee i think, and now you of course
Sharon: Great so don't tell them, just tell them she spiked your drinks
Dennis: I dunno i mean even after everything Aimee and Rianna were still best friends
Sharon: Some friend she turned out to be, i can't make you do it Dennis but think about it
Dennis: I will do, why did you ask me about the letter Miss?
Sharon: You and your mum went through the same thing with your sister didn't you?
Dennis: Yeah i guess in a way we did, so are you going to take Kylie in like we took in Maddie?
Sharon: Yeah, i think i am

They both smile at eachother

Part 40

Sharon is at home and she dials a number

Sharon: Hi Maria, it's Sharon
Maria: Oh thank god i thought you was going to leave this till after tomorrow
Sharon: No, she needs to be settled here for Christmas
Maria: I agree dear, so you will be picking her up tonight?
Sharon: Actually i was going to leave right away and look to be there in about 2 hours or so
Maria: That's fine, i will have to get her stuff together then
Sharon: Don't spose my useless mother has left her any christmas presents has she?
Maria: No don't be daft, she probably has a new boyfriend boy now, getting knocked up again as we speak i dare say, she did this to all you kids when you was growing up, i thought she changed when she had Kylie but clearly not
Sharon: Do you think it should just be me and Ky tomorrow, or would it help her if she had some other family here? hey why don't you and uncle Eddie come for dinner?
Maria: What a splendid idea, Eddie will start his treatment after christmas anyway so we should do something big, make this christmas really special
Sharon: That's sorted then, i'll not leave straight away then i'll get this all sorted, she needs some presents, and i need more people to come
Maria: Ok dear just phone when you leave, i will go tell Kylie now the good news and get her packed up
Sharon: Great see you soon

They both hang up and Maria walks up the stairs to a closed door that she knocks on

Maria: Kyliiiiie
Kylie: Come in

Kylie is playing computer games on her laptop

Maria: Close that down for a second sweetheart, i have something to tell you

She closes the lid and looks at Maria

Maria: Sharon just phoned, she is coming round later to pick you up
Kylie: It's Christmas tomorrow, can't i stay till boxing day
Maria: Kylie, i think it is best to get you settled at your sisters place for christmas, i know it's hard love but it will be ok, and listen me and Uncle Eddie will be round Sharon's for dinner tomorrow
Kylie: Really?
Maria: Yes, now come here, give me a hug and pack your things

Kylie hugs Maria

Part 41

Sharon approaches a black door with a silver letter box with the number 101 abover it in gold, she knocks on the door and Eddie answers

Sharon: Oh Uncle Eddie you shouldn't be answering the door in your condition
Eddie: Oh behave girl im as fit as a fiddle me
Sharon: You do realise you have cancer don't you?
Eddie: Course i realise Sharon, i'm not daft but it doesn't stop me living
Sharon: No i suppose not i just worry that's all
Eddie: Well you can stop, i'm as tough as old boots me, you mark my words six months time i will be fine
Sharon: If we were tv characters right now and you said that, you would be doomed
Eddie: Good job were not then eh girl, now come here and give your old uncle eddie a cuddle

They hug

Sharon: It's great to see you again
Eddie: I just wish it was on happier circumstances Shal
Sharon: Typical of my mother this, she did it to all of us, as soon as she got a new fella she was off pro creating the next kid she wouldn't care about
Eddie: That's right she's selfish
Sharon: I'm not letting her do this to Kylie again, if we get on okay over christmas i'm going to fight my mother for custody, i might even adopt her, but no way is she going through this again
Eddie: Good for you my girl, now Maria tells me we are coming to you for christmas dinner tomorrow is that right?
Sharon: Only if your upto it uncle eddie
Eddie: I told you i'm fine stop fussing
Sharon: In which case it would be great to have you, don't tell Maria or Kylie but i've managed to get some of the family round aswell
Eddie: You mean?
Sharon: Yeah shhh our little secret

Part 42

Sharon & Kylie are in the car Kylie has her iPod playing through the car radio the song that is playing is The Climb by Joe McElderry

Sharon: Nice song this one, reminds me of most of my life
Kylie: me too
Sharon: you ok? You're quiet
Kylie: it's just I hardly ever see you and now I'm having to live with you, at least when I moved in with Maria & Eddie I saw them at least once a week before hand
Sharon: look this isn't my first choice either but if you don't live me you go into care. You'll still see Maria and Eddie but you are right I should have been there for you before I'm sorry
Kylie: it's ok it's mum I'm mad at not you
Sharon: you and me both kid
Kylie: Maria said her and Eddie are coming over tomorrow
Sharon: yeah you excited?
Kylie: not really I hate Christmas
Sharon: really? Why?
Kylie: mum never really got me anything, one year I went back to school all my classmates were excited because their parents got them the latest must have toys and teachers would ask what we'd got. That year I was honest and said that all I got was a basket of fruit from mum's new boyfriend Tom it wasn't even a basket, it was a cardboard box not even wrapped up and everyone laughed, I was 6 years old so every year after that I'd watch all the adverts at Christmas time see what all the good toys were and write them down or I'd hang around in toyshops listening to other kids tell their parents what they wanted and I'd write that down too and when I went back to school I lied and said mum got me all these great things, of course I could never have friends round though or they would find out I have nothing
Sharon: that's awful, she wasn't much better with the rest of us either we all have our fair share of stories, maybe we can share some tomorrow, I didn't want to tell Maria but I've got some other people coming tomorrow from the family, they all want to meet you
Kylie: really? A big family Christmas? Like I've always dreamed about?
Sharon: yeah and like you should have had way before now

Part 43

Kylie has just got up and come down to make some breakfast Sharon quickly follows

Sharon: Kylie? Why are you making breakfast it's christmas
Kylie: So?
Sharon: Aren't you excited? Do you not want to see what presents you have got?
Kylie: I have presents?
Sharon: Course go on go see

Kylie walks into the front room she is amazed there is a tree with multicoloured flashing lights on wrapped in amazing christmas decorations and tinsel. The whole room is filled with christmas stuff and at the other end of the room there are piles of presents Kylie looks at Sharon with her mouth wide open

Kylie: This must have taken you ages
Sharon: Haven't been to bed yet

They both laugh

Sharon: Well go on then...the big pile to the left is yours
Kylie: Really?
Sharon: You wanted a christmas you would remember right?
Kylie: I sure did
Sharon: Well i was determined to give you one

Kylie rushes over to her presents and notices a video camera

Kylie: Your recording me? How did you know i'd be up
Sharon: You told me you always get up at 4am at christmas didn't you?
Kylie: Yeah
Sharon: Well that camcorder allows you to put a timer on it so i set it for 4am and it came on to record at 4am
Kylie: That's neat
Sharon: It's yours, i didn't wrap it i figured you would want to have a video memory of this day
Kylie: Really?
Sharon: Yeah only the best for my kid sister, now lets really kick this off and have some christmas music shall we
Kylie: Yeah then we can open presents

Sharon puts christmas music on and Kylie begins to open presents and for the first christmas ever Sharon and Kylie are both happy